Spring Registration is Now Open!
There is a 10% Discount on all Classes and Workshops if you register BEFORE January 1.
CLICK HERE to see a schedule of classes by day!
Please note: If you already have an account with McDonald Dance Academy, you DO NOT need to create a new account. Use your current login and password to register for classes at Arlington Dance Academy.
Our Spring session is a 17 week session. Classes start Saturday, January 11 and run through Thursday, May 15.
Tuition is as follows:
Early Bird Pricing:*
$263 per 17 week session for a 30 minute class
$272 per 17 week session for a 45 minute class
$306 per 17 week session for a 60 minute class
$340 per 17 week session for 1 hour + class
$25 drop-in rate per class
*All Class,and Workshop rates will increase if you register after January 1.
Placement Class Information
Our next placement class will be Wednesday: July 24, 2024 at 7:00pm. Please sign up on the link below if you would like to attend.
If you have missed our placement classes, please contact the studio to arrange an evaluation.

How to Register for Classes
To register, select your next step:
- Current dancers at McDonald Dance: Register by logging in to “My Account” to choose your classes and submit your payment.
- First time logging in to the new registration system? Then, you will need to set up your password.
- To set up your password, visit the “My Account” log in page and choose the “Reset your password” link.
- Enter your email address on file with McDonald Dance and choose “Continue” to finish the process. If you do not recall the email address you have on file, please contact the studio.
- New to the studio? Please create an account. Visit the “My Account” login page and select “Create an Account.” After you create an account, you can complete the registration process.
- Need to make a payment? Log in to your account.
- When registering, you will see a pre-selected list of classes that reflect your class placement.
- For more information on a class, including class price, length, description and dress code, click on the class name.
If you have any questions about the registration or payment process, please give us a call (847) 342-1060.